Winding Down 2015
Another Christmas has come and gone, and soon we’ll be ringing in a new year.
And 2016 will be ringing in with a loud, clinking and clanking bang, with My Darling Gunslinger due to be released in January and Once Upon a Regency: Timeless Tales and Fables! in February.
I’m going to give myself a belated Christmas gift of a bit of time off between now and January 1st. Time to sit around in my pajamas, to read for the pure pleasure of it and to binge watch seasons 1 and 2 of Black Sails in preparation for the start of season 3.
While I’m lounging around, reading historical romances, watching pirates pillage and plunder and eating bonbons in my pj’s, you can still enter to win December’s Corset, pre-order Once Upon a Regency for only 99 cents and win all sorts of great prizes simply by scrolling down this page. Enjoy!
Once upon a time nine historical romance authors created a fairy tale inspired Regency world…
We hope you’ll join us on a Regency adventure of love and romance in our limited edition box set Once Upon A Regency: Timeless Tales And Fables! Read on to learn more about the authors involved and for your chance to win all kinds of prizes.
We’d love for you to join us for the Once Upon a Regency Release Party on February 5th. Pre-Release festivities begin December 7th and run through February 4th so join the party now chat with the authors and win all sorts of amazing prizes.
Speaking of prizes, we have a Pre-Order Giveaway running now with the chance to the box set and signed paperbacks from all nine authors as well as a Kindle Fire.
Our fabulous of timeless tales and fables and their talented authors:
Resisting Romeo by Samantha Grace
Enchanted By The Earl by Amanda Mariel
Wish Upon A Kiss by Meara Platt
A Duke Worth His Salt by Allison Merritt
Masquerading as a Miss by Ari Thatcher
Searching for my Rogue by Dawn Brower
The Enchanted Cave by Sue London
Taming Beauty by Lynne Barron
Stealing a Lady’s Heart by Tammy Andresen
To read a short blurb of each story, please visit my page
Congratulations to the winner of Novembers’s Corset, Ashley Granger. And to Sunni, Winner of my Jingle Book Blog Hop Giveaway Prize of a signed copy of Pretty Poison, a Wine Bottle Corset and two Corset Bookmarks.
If you missed December’s Issue of Corsets and Kisses, and would like to remedy the situation, please click here.
Better still, sign up to receive future issues of Corsets and Kisses!