A Love Letter to My Husband
My Darling,
I came across these lines in a book today and they made me think of you and me and us.
“You go, do what you must do, think on me, on what I cannot give you as well as what I can. And if there comes a time when you want me as I am, when you see me not as something imperfect and flawed, but as a woman with whom you wish to share your life, then ask me.”- Now Face to Face by Karleen Koen
I have been struggling since you left. Struggling to make sense of how we came to be here. I thought I had worked it all out in my mind and my heart. I had convinced myself that I was healing, that I was stronger, and that I was putting away my dreams of a lifetime together. But I was fooling myself. I was really only biding my time until you came back to me.
Once upon a time, I began a love letter with these words. My Darling was the love of my life but we were separated by three thousand miles and a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to a future together.
Sometimes finding our Happily Ever After is all about second chances. Occasionally it’s simply a matter of recognizing a second chance when it’s dangling right before you. More often than not it’s far more complicated, requiring us to be braver and stronger than we’ve ever imagined we could be. Brave enough to offer up our heart even when we are not entirely certain it won’t be broken again and strong enough to receive the offering, to hold onto the heart that’s been lovingly and trustingly placed into our keeping, to hold onto it against all odds the second time around.
So while I wrote these word (with the help of Karleen Koen), they might have been written by the heroine in Widow’s Wicked Wish. Like me, Olivia believes she has put away her dreams of a spending her life with the man she be loves. And like me, Olivia is given that most precious of gifts - a second chance at love.
This was not the first love letter I wrote to my husband, nor was it the last. In fact my most recent love letter was included in Widow’s Wicked Wish:
Thank you to my husband, the hero of my heart, for choosing me, my son and a menagerie of pets over your dreams of children of your own. I’ll never forget the sacrifice you made to give me my very own happily ever after.
Widow’s Wicked Wish is available for Pre-order on Amazon