Fun and Frivolity

I love being a writer for many and varied reasons. The creative outlet it provides for my fertile imagination. The opportunity to play with words, to twist them and juggle them and sometimes just allow them to wander at will and fall where they may. The friendships I’ve formed with other authors and with readers, virtually and face to face. The simple pleasure to be had when a reader takes the time to share their thoughts and insights about one of my books, to express their enjoyment or even their frustration with a particular story I’ve penned.

But writing is also a solitary endeavor. Just me and my characters locked away in my office plotting and scheming and seducing our way from one chapter to the next. When the words are flowing, it can sometimes lead to a terribly lonely existence for my poor, neglected husband.

So when I was given the wonderful opportunity to be a part of the March Madness Virtual Book Signing I decided to ask my husband to help me with the making of my video. I must say it was absolutely, without a doubt the best decision I’ve made since the day I said I do.

To say we had fun making the video would be an understatement of monumental proportions! I like to think our shared fun and frivolity shines from each frame of our five minute video.

More importantly, we transformed my writing into our project.

And really, isn’t that what love is all about? Extending an invitation to step into one another’s worlds, to share the triumphs and tribulations, the joys and sorrows, and sometimes the lonely bounty hunters and misty-eyed, tender-hearted saloon girls who inhabit those worlds.

I hope you enjoy our quirky little video and please feel free to comment or critique my handsome husband’s performances as a caped crusader and a cowboy.

Book Opening High Res

View Video on YouTube

And be sure to wander over to the March Madness Virtual Book Signing Event Page to check out all the amazing author videos and enter the Giveaway for a chance to win a $60 Amazon Gift Card.


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Read an Excerpt of My Darling Gunslinger

Once upon a time nine historical romance authors created a fairy tale inspired Regency world…

Once Upon a Regency Cover


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Congratulations to the winner of February’s Corset, Melody Gonser.

You may not have noticed, but February’s Corset was nearly a twin to the corset lying across Dori’s bed in our video…product placement perhaps?

It seems only fitting to offer up our Soiled Dove’s sleek black satin under-bust corset for March. Brand spanking new, of course.

March Corset

To enter simply post a Comment below. Any comment will do, a bit of news, an idiom that’s always struck you as amusing, a historical ideal you’ve found ludicrous or a notion of any sort.
I’ll randomly choose one winner from all entrants on April 1st.

If you missed January’s Issue of Corsets and Kisses, and would like to remedy the situation, please click here.

Better still, sign up to receive future issues of Corsets and Kisses!

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